About Us

Have you ever been on a plane or train or simply a car and started your journey with your little one and they’ve spilled their entire snack box you’ve prepared for them on the floor?  Aarrgh…

This happened to me, right before take-off on our holiday to Broome, my 3-year-old at the time spilled her entire bento of snacks I’d packed for the flight, straight off her lap onto the floor. Safe to say the snacks couldn’t be salvaged (not from the plane floor), so to save the trip I grabbed my then 2-year old’s bento to share out her snacks.

Well, Miss 2 was not happy, then Miss 3 refused to eat Miss 2’s snacks, you know how it goes.. 

I’m sure you can relate! 

This experience inspired me to design the ultimate Contains Anything Box for travel or on the go, that contains your snacks.

I’m a Mum of two girls, based on the coast of sunny Perth, which works well as I love the beach. I had this idea and decided to be brave, take a leap, and start this little adventure.

Ultimately, I want to be available for my girls for school drop off and pickups and get to their assembly’s when they receive an award. Have the flexibility to do some Mum stuff for my girls.

Since I've been on this journey, I’ve come up with so many uses for this snack box and I’ve generated so many ideas to expand this, watch this space!

Lastly, thank you – your support helps my entire little family.